
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Set Yourself Up With A Positive Mental Attitude And Be Different--Luciano The Key Santini

Your Personal And Business Solutions Provider

Good morning my friends; Here we are on a beautiful Saturday and looking outside and the sun looks beautiful across the sky. Here we are and today we will talk about business.
Do you know when your business fails or is failing of course you do because you can see it failing before your eyes but what do you do at this point or when it is happening?
How about when your business is a success of course you know because again you see it before your eyes and the amount of customers.

How about when your business falls in between the failure and the success? Does this make you happy that you have a fail\success business and what does this mean. It is called the trap of the halfway mark meaning that you are in the middle of failure or success. The key is to never get stuck in the halfway trap mark.
The key to this is to never give up and never take what you think is the best for your business. What you do is to never quit but to go after what you feel deserve.

Now to the good stuff; Most business owners begin to fail more so when they start to see their business failing or when there is no customers coming in to the establishment. You see and must understand that most business owners if they are caught between the trap they will simply adapt to the changes and stay stuck and live below their expectations to live and meet their business under performance.

How do get out of the trap; 
First you need to be able to understand and see the trap when you start to get there. Second listen to both internal and external clients. You need to get rid of the internal clients that may be hurting business. I always train my client that when there is an issue and you know who or where the issue is then try to take care of it but if all fails then you must let the issue go and get rid of that problem.

You see you have to remember your original dreams and stop listening to the average business owners who tell you and try to explain  to you regarding the economy because they are stuck in the trap and have adapted to their under performance-NOT YOU!!! because you will not stay stuck and you will remember your dream about your business and why you started it in the first place which was to be successful!!

As always today it is only business but as always I have to give the Napoleon Hill Thoughts which always help me think and re-think:

Before trying to master others, be sure you are the master of yourself.
When you develop a Positive Mental Attitude, you immediately set yourself apart from the crowd. You become a leader because positive thinking leads to positive action, while negative thinking leads to apathy and inaction. When you take the initiative in any situation, others will follow simply because they like to associate with people who know where they are going. In order to lead, however, you must first be willing to discipline yourself. The first rule of leadership is never to ask others to do what you are unwilling to do yourself. You can lead only by example. Being a leader requires you to work harder and longer than the others and proving you are the master of your own destiny.

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