
Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Will To Learn New Technology And Be Ready To Accept Innovation Equals Great Leadership-Dr. Luciano Santini

Here we are once again and of course I will continue to talk about leadership in this world today. In many organizations I find and have found in the past when I had to do research that every company wanted the best of the best to work for them but somehow never had the best of the best and the question I always asked them was WHY?

There answers were really not good or specific but disturbing. Some would say that it was because they were always getting the wrong people or people in general lied regarding their skill sets. I would ask again and again why? and What do you think the problems is? Again the reasons were always the same and never specific.

In order to get the best of the best for your organization you will have to take risks with some people and yes you will make mistakes but have a process in place in case you do make mistakes and of course most organizations do not have any type of process in place.

The key to acquiring the best of the best is that your leadership within the or any organizations is to have great leadership that will know who they are interviewing. The problem that I have found over and over is that leaders end up in positions not understanding their competition nor the trends on hiring which will always fail because trends are always changing as I always have said change is inevitable.

One thing that is hurting our economy is that today the need to fill positions in every industry is growing fast but the real issue is that the talent cannot be found.In order to know the trends you have to do your research and most leaders today which come from the directive/control era do not have the knowledge to do the research and the people they have working for them do not either simply because of resistance to change.

The issue is growing that most of today's leaders have no idea of what is coming. You have to learn to stay ahead of the game and look for the talent to assist specially the millennials. The millennials have the knowledge and the skills to move your company. The organizations must be able to understand that innovations are needed with every step that any company wants to take.Another issue is the that the technology available today can break and ruin a company and today's new workforce understand that and they can assist in making things right that have gone wrong.

I will say this again and again that the direct and control management styles do not fit well in today's world of Leadership or management these have to change but time after time they stay the same.Organizations like staff agencies will always tell organizations that they have the best of the best talent for them but let us be honest they have a hard time finding talent due to companies wanting the best of the best and guess what; If they are the best they do not need a head hunter or an agency to find them employment they will use technology and knowledge.

By finding smart and motivated people, you begin to change into a place where they drive themselves harder than any boss could. Excellent employees are continually raising the bar on themselves; any mediocrity will be obvious. That’s when positive attrition begins to kick in, similar to a sort of exponential “top grading” — you inevitably end up with an entire team of excellent workers.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Bang Your Head Hard Enough ideas Will Come"-Dr. Luciano Santini

Wise persons are those who think twice before speaking once.

Napoleon Hill

Perhaps the greatest quality in a leader and the most valuable skill in building relationships is the ability to think before you speak. If you have a tendency to speak hastily in anger and regret your actions at leisure, the childhood admonition to count to ten before speaking will still serve you well. When you pause — if only for a moment — to consider the consequences, you may think better of what you were about to say. And if you must speak strongly, it’s a good idea to sugarcoat the words — just in case you have to eat them later. 

This is something that I truly believe when you have a leader that you are working with. I have seen so many so called leaders open their mouth thinking that either people do not see their incompetence or that their staff are blind to their mistakes when it comes to people. So called leaders just do not understand people in general and so they will say things in front of people like little stabs thinking that people do not understand what is happening. So -called leaders have no idea when they stick their foot in their mouth and it is pretty sad to see it happen right before your eyes.

It is no wonder these so called leaders have no idea how to build a team. It is difficult enough to get people to come together but it is more difficult to live with a team that does not ever come together and the so called leaders turn their face away and simply avoid the real issues. One thing i teach and train leaders to do is to continuously visualize a positive end result as a team.

The leadership must always use the 70-20-10 rule which is 70 % listening 20 % to inquire with just the right amount of advocacy of course most leaders do not know or understand what this means.One of the most important things that a leader needs to learn is to always  put other people's needs to express his or her agenda ahead of their own. The biggest issue is that most leaders care about their agenda and suggestions then other people's ideas and what they do is shut them down.

One thing that I see across the board in both private industry and non profit but mostly in government jobs and positions is that leadership are not capable of getting the job needed for success done because they are afraid to remove people who are failing to help them build success instead these that stop success and others from moving forward will be rewarded simply to get them out their hair and thus avoid the real issues.

One other thing that I find is that employee\s today are hungry for real life training that will actually teach them something. Ineffective legacy training programs are so costly and actually under serve the organization's learner's. In this scenario about 40 % of training will fail and yet knowing this organizations continue to bring in this type of training for their employees. you have to understand as a true leader that when you bring in the right kind of training and at the right time and in the correct way your staff will respond stronger.

According to the five most important key values most people specially the new era employees such as the millennials are as follows;
Development- meaning  Hunger for learning the correct way.
Meaning- Have training and learning that matters and will make a difference in their lives.
Autonomic- Most people hate micromanagement and micro managers.
Efficiency- Train in a way that will always show a better way and be open to new ideas and suggestions.
Transparency- As leader you need to share information so employees know and understand the why.

'We need to believe that we can lives through information and the correct way of training so people can learn what and why the changes must take place'-Dr. Luciano Santini

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Generational Gaps In The World And Understanding Them

Hello to all and well here we are on another beautiful day. It is of a concern to me and would love to share this concern with the world out there. Times are changing all around us at home,work with relationships. The world is changing at a pace that most people cannot keep up.

The changes that are happening at work are of a concern due to leadership not being able to understand how to manage knowledge. You have so many generations that are going to have be able to learn from each other making difficult to understand the difference. Running an operation takes more then just having the position of power it takes more knowledge which many leadership are lacking in today's corporations.

Every generation  has made its own commotion as they start going into the workforce and what is the one thing that is common with all generations?" They say they do not get or understand us"

Let us take a look at this chart to get a better understanding of differences of the generations most organizations are involved with.

Personal and Lifestyle Characteristics by Generation

Baby Boomers
Generation X
Generation Y
Core Values
Respect for authority
Extreme fun
Latch-key kids
Merged families

A dream
A birthright
A way to get there
An incredible expense
Rotary phones
Write a memo
Touch-tone phones
Call me anytime
Cell phones
Call me only at work
Internet, Email
Picture phones
Dealing with Money
Put it away
Pay cash
Buy now, pay later
Save, save, save
Earn to spend
Work Ethics
Hard work
Respect for Authority
Duty before fun
Adhere to rules
Work efficiently
Crusading causes
Personal fulfillment
Desire quality
Question authority
Eliminate the task
Want structure and direction
What’s next
Goal oriented
Work Is…
An obligation
An exciting adventure
A difficult challenge
A contract
A means to an end
Leadership Style
Command and control
Everyone is the same
Challenge others
Ask why
Interactive Style
Team player
Loves to have meetings
In person
Voice mail
Feedback and Rewards
No news is good news
Satisfaction in a job well done
Don’t appreciate it
Title recognition
Sorry to interrupt, but how am I doing?
Freedom is the best reward
Whenever I want it, at the push of a
Meaningful work
Messages That Motivate
Your experience is respected
You are valued
You are needed
Do it your way
Forget the rules
You will work with other bright, creative people
Work and Family Life
Ne’er the twain shall meet
No balance
Work to live
*As this group has not spent much time in the workplace, this characteristic has yet to be determined.    http://ww/ Winter/Spring 2005

I believe that the way we manage people will either make the organization stronger or break the people down and ruin the organization. I like this chart because it makes it much easier to understand where you are as a leader and gives you a guide on how to more or less manage people. However I have stated before that we are in an age where it requires constant change and just telling people and expecting them to know via directive, command or control well it is a waste of time and you will be challenged if you are this type of leader and the of course you will not like it and frustration will set in.

Have you ever thought about the impact regarding traits and biases from different generations. If leaders have a better understanding of this and the diversity they face today they will have to implement tools within their organizations to be able to adapt to the changes quickly enough to be able to compete.

As leaders move forward with the new shifts regarding generational gaps without having the tools of understanding and having the skills to implement change then you might as well hang up the gloves and look for another job because you will be so frustrated with yourself because you will be dealing with a new type of risk that come with generation gaps. 

Each person that is hired has a different background and they will affect our thoughts and behaviors and ultimately outcomes that will result the way leaders manage them.

In order to survive the changes that are coming you as a leader must understand the changes when you see them and be able to implement change and be able to implement the tools for adaptation to take place within your organization.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Where are your businesses today? THE PAST-FUTURE OR IN THE PRESENT

Well hello again and we of course have been talking about the changes that are taking place every day in the business world along with the changes with individuals all around us all the time. Businesses have to make sure they understand the world around them and the competition that mirrors their own business perhaps it is a larger corporation. I have always stated in business meetings that any type of change needs to happen from the top down in order to work but of course due to old way and resistance to anything new there are many disagreements and thus never takes place and thus failure will occur. When corporations or organizations begin to fail it is because of resistance or simply the incompetency of leadership.

Human resources in every business corporation both for profit and not for profit organizations need to start with what is their definition of a leader running their business.I have found through my research and understanding that in today's world of business corporations and organizations in the government need to be more flexible,creative and efficient to be able to compete with other organizations.

Corporations and government agencies find themselves in a world of technology and innovation moving so fast that they are stuck in the past trying to catch up with the future a future that is already here.The future is here and what do I mean by the future is already here; Take a look at your children at school. This just a simple example of what is going on all around us whether we try to ignore it in business and in our everyday life of course that is a choice that we make. Children before they even step into a class room already know and understand computers better the adults that have been in the workforce most of their lives..
The future is among us and most ignore this fact and this fact will eventually catch up and crush those that do not stay afloat.

Based on an research that Oxford University conducted found that within the next 20 years half the jobs in the United Stated will be lost to computer automation. If that is not a scary future then I have no idea what world we are in. There will be a time when computers and humans will be working as a team to outdo businesses and their competition. Andrew Mcafee author of the book " The second Machine Age" says that there will be a time when chess players (Humans) will team up with computers to beat out commuters and or humans  playing alone alone.

There is far more that is coming and we have to prepared for the changes. Take this for example as it is today there are so many issues in the workforce today due to not understanding the new generation of millennial's. here you have the future already here working with most businesses and only those businesses that have a clear understanding of their world will survive. This of this : By the year 2020 we will be working with five different generations each bringing their own thoughts and expectations and most important their own and new perspective into their jobs. Today the millennial generation represents more than 75% of the workforce. 

This generation of computer savvy personalities not only will bring new ways of thinking but new perspectives on leadership which I assure you will be non-traditional in so many ways and this will destroy corporations and government agencies if they do not come together and collaborate and allow the changes to take place. Both government and non government organizations will lag in innovation and technological savvy if there is no understanding of what is already here in front of their eyes.

New style of leadership is already in the midst among us and most do not know it because they do not understand the new generations and the gap that exists between them. Leadership today is so far behind due to the misunderstanding of the new perspectives that this generation alone brings to the table. Leadership today will need to learn new ways of managing this type of knowledge. Leaders from yesterday which are operating in today's world trying to lead the new generations will lose talent due to just not having the skills to manage knowledge.

Did you know that a survey of 3300 HR professionals from 106 countries found that Leadership is the second most pressing issues around the world coming second only to employee engagement. This survey was published by Deloitte early this year of 2015. It has been identified that most organizations have only made a small dent on this issue.It has become a world of innovation and technology but importantly all organizations and the leaders that are in place need to either learn the new skills that are needed to manage today or let those that have a clear understanding of both the past and the future and what is needed today to move any organization forward.

A quote from one of my favorite mentors -Napoleon Hill

I believe this and live by this;


When you ask another person to do something, it may help both him and you if you tell him what to do, why he should do it, when he should do it, where he should do it, and how he may best do it.

We are all influenced by our background and experience. We perceive instructions in the context of our education, experience, heritage, the culture of our organization, and a number of other variables. Good managers know this, and they make sure that their instructions are clear, concise, and well understood. 
 They also know that they must walk a fine line between conveying adequate instructions and killing workers’ incentive by not allowing them sufficient latitude to do their jobs. You may strike the right balance between instruction and motivation by encouraging employees to participate in setting objectives for themselves and their teams, by helping them develop plans for achieving their goals, and by making sure that each individual clearly understands the team’s mission and his or her role in achieving it. 
Suggest that team members check in occasionally to report their progress, then get out of their way and cheer them on to victory.