Here we are once again and of course I will continue to talk about leadership in this world today. In many organizations I find and have found in the past when I had to do research that every company wanted the best of the best to work for them but somehow never had the best of the best and the question I always asked them was WHY?
There answers were really not good or specific but disturbing. Some would say that it was because they were always getting the wrong people or people in general lied regarding their skill sets. I would ask again and again why? and What do you think the problems is? Again the reasons were always the same and never specific.
In order to get the best of the best for your organization you will have to take risks with some people and yes you will make mistakes but have a process in place in case you do make mistakes and of course most organizations do not have any type of process in place.
The key to acquiring the best of the best is that your leadership within the or any organizations is to have great leadership that will know who they are interviewing. The problem that I have found over and over is that leaders end up in positions not understanding their competition nor the trends on hiring which will always fail because trends are always changing as I always have said change is inevitable.
One thing that is hurting our economy is that today the need to fill positions in every industry is growing fast but the real issue is that the talent cannot be found.In order to know the trends you have to do your research and most leaders today which come from the directive/control era do not have the knowledge to do the research and the people they have working for them do not either simply because of resistance to change.
The issue is growing that most of today's leaders have no idea of what is coming. You have to learn to stay ahead of the game and look for the talent to assist specially the millennials. The millennials have the knowledge and the skills to move your company. The organizations must be able to understand that innovations are needed with every step that any company wants to take.Another issue is the that the technology available today can break and ruin a company and today's new workforce understand that and they can assist in making things right that have gone wrong.
I will say this again and again that the direct and control management styles do not fit well in today's world of Leadership or management these have to change but time after time they stay the same.Organizations like staff agencies will always tell organizations that they have the best of the best talent for them but let us be honest they have a hard time finding talent due to companies wanting the best of the best and guess what; If they are the best they do not need a head hunter or an agency to find them employment they will use technology and knowledge.
By finding smart and motivated people, you begin to change into a place
where they drive themselves harder than any boss could. Excellent
employees are continually raising the bar on themselves; any mediocrity
will be obvious. That’s when positive attrition begins to kick in,
similar to a sort of exponential “top grading” — you inevitably end up
with an entire team of excellent workers.