
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Luciano Santini No Regrets

"I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like 
if I'd just been myself." 
- Brittany Ren

I love this quote because it places thought into the heart. It  makes you think and at the same time creates emotion. You see in life we need to create an emotion towards our goals and the end result. I have an example for a while now I had been working on a DVD that I wanted to create and finally it is completed;

It is hard work and sometime that is all we have to offer the world but at the same time the world sometimes needs to see how hard it is to conquer it. You see in our minds sometimes we get caught up with life and the chaos that comes with it daily. My friends I can tell you that many times in my life I wanted to just give up on my dreams but in the back of my mind the thought of what if?

In life we find that we cannot accomplish anything alone and sometime it takes a life time to figure that out and then of course people just give up not knowing that they can start fresh again and again. I say never ever give up on your dreams because sometimes that is all we have to drive our emotions to the end result in spite of all the naysayers and those that do not see past their arms length.

IN this video you see that yes I'm human just like you and I place one leg into my pants just like you do and I wear beanie hats just like some of you do so you see I'm just like you. The point here is that one person can change the world and my mission is (Changing The World One Mind At A Time)--Luciano Santini
Yes that is correct one mind at a time.

My friend Chris Spicher is the proud owner of Antelope Valley Florist in The Antelope Valley Area and I am proud to call myself a friend of his and have him as a mentor in life and in business. Remember one thing for sure that holds true and always will in life and forever. Take a good look at your friends and see where they are, and if you do not want to be there perhaps it is time to find new friends. Sometimes we need to take our life into a whole new direction!!!!

Please follow me on Facebook @;

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Luciano The Key Santini On Understanding Your Customers

Decisions are a way of defining ourselves. There comes a time in life when there is nothing else to do but go your own way.

--Sergio Bambaren

Lifetime clients are those who come back again and again because they love what you have to offer and you’ve listened to their needs — throughout their entire lifetime. Whether it’s their entire human lifetime, the lifetime of their business, the lifetime of their career, or the lifetime of their goals, there are many ways you can help repeatedly.

How do you do that well get assistance from a business coach or take a class in your industry.

Today we will be talking strictly about business and perhaps a bit on life coaching you see I have found that most small business owners believe what they believe and understand because they think they understand what they believe to be true and in all actuality they are failing in their own mind.

 I have found that when you as a business owner believes you know all there is about your business you are really setting yourself for failure.

You must have an understanding of your business but always learning about your business and when you stop learning say about your competition or your geographical area or what type of customers you have then you are not only failing your customers which are the blood of your business but you are failing yourself as a person and a part of the community.

The other thing that I have noticed is that business owners are afraid to spend money on their business. I can truly understand if you do not have a need then is absolutely fine and great but if there is a need to help out or get a better understanding of your staff, customers or your self on how you are operating your business then ask for help bring someone to assist you.

Here are some important readings from a book--The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar but summarized by

People like to feel they are unique and not “just like everyone else.” This, of course, isn’t true: as human beings, we’re more alike in our buying behavior than we realize. However, customers want to appear as if they each, individually, make unique buying decisions different from their peers. 

For instance, if two people would normally choose the same meal at a restaurant, studies show that when one person gives her order, the second person will change her order so that she doesn’t appear to be a copycat.

As a business owner you need to know how your customers act and why they come into your establishment. Many time we fail because we simply do not pay attention to their needs. I find that when you do not pay attention to your customers eventually they will see right through you as a business owner that of a money grabber oops did I hurt someone's feelings oh well!! you need to make sure you understand this.--Luciano Santini

Another sample of this great book--The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar

People do take marketing puffery seriously, even though logically they shouldn’t. They’ll buy bottled water that they know, intellectually, comes from municipal tap water that’s been created via reverse osmosis. 

They buy into claims that the water is especially refreshing (all water is refreshing) or that it’s bottled at the source (in this case, the “source” is municipal water) or that it’s “expertly designed water” (does it need any further design than the original H2O formula we’ve been using for so long?? Apparently, yes.). That’s why Dasani’s website focuses not on the water, but on the bottle the water comes in: 30% plant material, 100% recyclable.

 What does this mean well it means that just because your customers come int o buy from you you need to figure out what you are going to focus on strongly upon so you can better understand them.--Luciano Santini

Another sample of this great book--The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar

 Even a small amount of choice brings a sense of well-being. Several studies showed that when participants were given a choice versus being told what to do, those who were given a choice (even the smallest, simplest of choices, like which night to watch a movie), made people feel better about the situation.

What does this mean to you and your business? It means that your business will be busier and get more customers to come in because they have choices and if you do not understand this concept then stop wondering why your business is slowing down even more in this economy. --Luciano Santini

"In Life There Are Always Choices To Be Made The Question Becomes Will You Make The Right One""--Luciano The Key Santini

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Luciano Santini on Serving People And Criticism

Hello my friends and how are you? It has been a while and well to be honest I truly miss blogging for my supporters and followers. I want to thank you everyone for following me and supporting me.
Here is a new poster that we Created for the business side of my life. Tell me what you think?

"Remember Serving People Is An Art To Be Discovered It Cannot Be Taught"--Luciano (The Key) Santini

Today is one of those days when I am really looking forward to seeing my son who left for a week to a camp and well I'm not used to sending my kids off like that even though I understand that it is a great learning experience so I am OK with that. 

You see sometimes we have to encourage those that are afraid to try new things even I find myself stuck and that is when I need to step back and make some changes in my life. 

Sometimes making changes can be difficult because sometimes you have to let go of old habits and learn new ones and that can be hard in the mind due to past experiences or simply learned behaviors.

 "Old Habits Are Hard To Break But Sometimes Needed To Change The Way We Think And Change The Direction Of Our Lives"--Luciano Santini

I would like to ask you to visit my website which is very helpful and has lots of information;

As a life coach I try to help people see life from different perspectives and challenge them to find out who they are and what it is that they want to accomplish in life.

As a business coach I do the same thing but from a business perspective. Business is a little more tricky and one has to really see and know your competitors and figure out where your business is right now and what needs to happen to move it forward and yes there are many techniques to teach and learn from knowing your competition and to knowing and understanding the people that work for you.

From Napoleon Hill

Success requires no explanation; failures must be doctored with alibis.

The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures.

 Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Luciano ( The Key) Santini On Motivating your kids

Hello my friends and how are you doing on this beautiful Saturday. Well for me the show was great and if you missed the live show this morning you can go to this link and hear it:

 This show was about our kids and how to motivate them. Our kids pick up on what we do as adults especially when we ourselves are dealing with difficult times. So the question how do we motivate them when we cannot motivate ourselves? Well it is not an easy task but it can be done. You see you have to be able to take time to listen to them and look intresed but in all reality be really intrested and be genuine about it. You must be patient with them as well.

You need to teach them responsibility and accountability. You must show them how to do that so they can use these skills in real life as they grow up. You also need to teach them the difference between right and wrong.

Found this great article 
Copyright © 2010 VantagePoint Motivation Services Inc. All rights reserved.
 Reading, writing, and arithmetic, the beginnings of a solid education. But what the schools leave out may be the most important lesson of all. Without the ability to set and achieve goals, your children may never reach their full potential, so it's up to you to impart the greatest of all lessons.

Why Goals
Why should your children spend time setting and work toward goals in the first place? The answer may seem obvious to you, but not so with most children. They live in the here and now, putting little thought into tomorrow.

Explain the role of goal-setting in a happy, healthy life by using concrete examples such as personal goals you've set in your own life or, even better, past experiences they've had with choosing and working toward bigger and better things.

Have they ever worked toward a goal in sports? Music? Academics? If so, they most likely won't see the connection with goal-setting, a connection you can help them make.