
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Luciano Santini and VUCA

 I thought today about talking a little about myself. I am a renowned leadership expert, specializing in VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and the Evan leadership style which I created and fits any leader who wants to become a true leader in their current roles. The EVAN style also fits teens that may be thinking of going into a leadership role and be the best. After researching and teaching leadership for over 20 years, with a focus on developing innovative approaches to leadership that are tailored to the ever-changing needs of today's organizations. I am highly experienced in helping organizations navigate the complexities of VUCA, and my Evan leadership style provides a comprehensive approach to leading in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. In the face of VUCA, I am passionate about helping organizations develop the skills and strategies to become more resilient. I have consulted for many leading organizations, and they have featured my research in numerous publications in regard to leadership. I am a speaker and have presented at conferences and workshops on many zoom platforms and have been a guest speaker around the world during the covid-19 era. I will be having an Ebook that I just finished writing on VUCA but needs to be edited and will be ready for sale soon.#covid . #leadership #research #teaching #complexity #EVANleadershipstyle #drlucianosantini #motivationkey

Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Hello my friends and how the hell is everyone going into the Holidays?

My favorite part of this year start December19th because Hanukka begins. I love this part here and of course what follows is Christmas which I also love very much and give thanks for anther year. The next questions I have is what is gaslighting at work? Well I have personally experienced this in the past. it is not fun!!!! A positive work environment should encourage employees to ask questions about what they are supposed to do. If your boss tells you to file papers one way on Monday but then tells you that we should file differently them the next day, it is natural to ask for clarity.
When your boss is gaslighting you, he or she will lash out instead of providing the clarity you are seeking. Gaslighting bosses often feel threatened when you ask questions and retaliate if you challenge what they say.
They might accuse you of overreacting or not listening in the first place. When your company has gone through changes, it is normal to have some confusion about your role during the adjustment phase.
However, if you have held your job for years and you still find yourself unable to define your responsibilities, you might have a gaslighting boss.
Your boss might tell you that you should know what your responsibilities are instead of answering your question. He or she may also mock you and act as if your question is ridiculous.
It is important to know that in a healthy work environment, you should always be able to ask for clarity concerning your
responsibilities, and in the best kind of environment, you will know exactly what they are. It starts with you apologizing for not responding quickly enough to an email. Then, you find yourself apologizing for taking a five-minute bathroom break. Soon enough, you start apologizing for your boss’ mistakes or those of your coworkers. No matter what task you are working on, your boss always finds something wrong with it. Whether it’s the wording of your email or your ideas at a team meeting, they constantly meet you with criticism.
That is such a demoralizing tactic, and you can end up feeling worthless and demoralized.
Your seemingly charming boss is actually a gaslighting expert. Many bosses appear cheerful all the time but are so good at manipulating their staff. (Opex)
These are just some things that happen when you have an incompetent person in a leadership role or the way they are trained. #leadership #email #job #incompententbosses #drlucianosantini #bestleadershiptrainer #evanstyleleadership #evanstyle #lucianosantini #comonsenseconsulting #gaslighting

Sunday, November 20, 2022

What is virtual leadership?


What is virtual leadership?

Virtual leadership is a form of leadership in which I managed teams via a remote working environment. Like traditional leadership roles, virtual leaders focus on motivating employees and helping teams accomplish their goals.
Virtual leaders must take a different management approach compared to leading in an office, as team communication isn’t done in person, but rather through online and virtual mediums. As such, virtual leaders need a different skill set to leaders in an office setting.The definition of virtual leadership is a form of leadership in which teams are managed via a remote working environment. Like traditional leadership roles, virtual leaders focus on inspiring workers and help their staff accomplish and reach their potential and goals.
The pandemic has forced much of the workforce into remote working, and for many employees, this is the first time they have tried working from home.
However, even before the pandemic, working from home was an increasing trend, with many saying the pandemic just sped up this process:
4.7 million people were already working remotely from home before the COVID-19 pandemic. (Flex jobs)
74% of companies plan to shift some of their employees to remote working permanently after COVID-19 (Gartner)
Before the pandemic, 52% of global employees work remotely once a week, and 68% do so at least once per month (Owl Labs)
77% of remote employees say they’re more productive when working from home. (CoSo Cloud)- JULIAN MAYHEW
To be an excellent virtual leader, you need to get in touch with your team members at an emotional level, and completely honest and transparent when sharing data and status updates (even unfavorable information) in order to maintain credibility and preserve the integrity of the data being shared.
Check in with your team individually to see how they’re doing, particularly as some may find adjusting to remote work difficult. Ask about their families, their hobbies, or something interesting they saw on social media. Empathize with them to show a shared understanding - letting them know that you see them as a person, not just an employee.
When you lead with empathy, you create an element of humanity in an otherwise detached virtual environment. This helps eliminate the sense of isolation that virtual workers can experience, allowing them to feel like they’re part of a live community. I have mentioned before many times. I do so much research on leadership and creating my own techniques to assure that people learn the best way to lead from the heart an then to communicate to staff. #evanstyle #people #leadershipdevelopment #drlucianosantini # #leadership #team #community #research #communication #like #socialmedia #leaders #leaders #experience

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Great leadership is a rare skill


Many people assume that if someone is successful it is because they have good leadership skills. Some people assume that if a business is successful it is because it has good leaders. Leadership isn’t something that is particularly easy to pass on to other people. Sometimes a company is successful because a past leader was very skilled as a leader and the current leader simply has kept things running the same as before.

Great leadership is a rare skill. For most people it doesn’t come naturally. It is amazing how many organizations are successful even though they have only marginally competent people leading them. Many times this is because the structure of the organization helps make up for a leaders short comings. Sometimes it is because a particularly talented staff that makes up for the leaders deficiencies.
Any leadership development training should take into account some of the basic facts, which ought to be made available to the individual concerned for developing his/her leadership skill and techniques.
The training or program must adequately deal with deliberations on leadership, and not limit the understanding of the term to its limited sense. Any reference to conventional typecast leadership should be shunned. The training should also incorporate a comprehensive understanding of leadership virtues as applicable to individual requirements, and highlight the subtle differences between leadership and management.
The program should also take into account the attitude of people towards the individual qualities of the leader. It is imperative that leadership development training should be ideally structured in relation to the advancement of the individuals concerned, instead of looking for strengths in personal qualities.
While great leadership skills can make someone successful, the inverse is not true. Being successful doesn’t make you a good leader. If you are looking for leaders to learn from make sure you are looking for people who actually have good leadership skills and not just someone who is successful. You can’t assume that someone is a good leader just because they have had success. Many times people try to emulate people who have had success and try to follow their leadership styles. While this might be a good thing people often end up mimicking the bad habits of individuals and then end up being a bad leader.
One crucial virtue that such training emphasizes is that potential leaders should have the capability to see how details fit into the big picture. Such training also stresses the need to have the attitude that helps one to view things from the point of view of other individuals, and also able to comprehend in the proper manner the most suitable approach towards them. #leadership #people #people #evanstyle #drlucianosantini # #leadershipdevelopment #training #reference