
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Luciano Santini Top Motivational Speaker/Business Coach and Life Coach

Quick promotions are not always the most enduring.

Most people who fail after receiving a promotion do so because they fail to rise to the challenges the new position offers. It is perfectly normal to feel a twinge of insecurity when you assume a new position — after all, you’ve never had this job before — but seldom do promotions come before you are ready for them. Now, it is a fact that the day you are promoted, you are not yet competent in that position. 

You were promoted into the position because of your potential, not because you were expected to perform flawlessly from the outset. Work to prove that your boss’s faith in you was justified. Make becoming as proficient as possible in your new job — in the shortest possible time — your number one priority.

I love this poem I wrote a while back because it talks about how much time we really waste in our daily lives. I find that sometimes we get stuck in our routines that we loose track of time within our own minds.

I find that business owners have it the worst because they tend to focus to much on their business and not on themselves and they loose much more then just time. They loose themselves in time and thus worse yet sometime loose their families.

As a life coach I feel that when a business owner begins to loose him/herself in time they need to stop and take some time away from the business whatever it may be and ask for assistance form a Business coach. There is no shame in asking for assistance. Sometime we need someone to teach us new techniques or strategies on how we market our business or how we train our staff or perhaps just simply taking a new perspective on life.

Benefits of a business coach:

A few years ago, just a handful of small businesses used business coaching as a means to augment their business. Today, statistics reveal that almost 58% of the medium or small sized businesses in the US are seeking the benefits of business coaching.

 Businesses are using coaching because it is a cost effective way to achieve results. It helps to develop personnel skills and performance. Individuals who receive business coaching can expect to find guidance concerning the problems that they face. Business coaching offers new insights into daily business activities and helps improve methods, systems and procedures.

Many companies that have undertaken business coaching have reported an increase in productivity and quality of work. When people are coached, team relationships improve and these enhanced relationships lead to an increase in productivity and quality. 

Many businesses judge productivity by how hard an individual employee's works, but this method overlooks the importance of synergy and quality of work. Very often, employees tend to overlook quality in their haste to get work done and this forces others to rework what has already been done.

The secret to increased productivity and quality lies in allowing the employees to make a connection between their personal needs and those of the organization. Satisfied employees work harder and smarter and are a boon to the company. 

Coaching programs not only help the employees to survive but also help them attain their peak performance as a team.

Article Source:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Luciano Santini On Business and Life

Good morning my friends it has been a long while since I have written anything on  my blogs. There are reasons behind all that though let me explain. You see I sometimes cannot think about what my audience would like to hear or read so I take some time and do some research  on new ideas and I talk to my friends and ask them what it is that they would like to read.

I had my monthly meeting with my mastermind group and I have to tell you that I am so glad that I have a mastermind group because they gave me some great ideas. I started to ask them as far as being a Motivational speaker I love to talk to mt audience and really show them my passion and guess what they told me that sometimes that was not what people wanted to see or hear. I said OK then lets come up with some ideas to make it better.

I realized that sometimes we believe that we know and understand everything about our business and in all reality we need help sometimes we need new ideas and I also found that there is no shame in admitting that especially in business. 

I find that when I train staff say in customer service they seem astonished at what they learn and when I ask them the answers I get are just well WOW!!! is all I can say.

What is even more surprising to me is that when I ask the owners of the business they tell me that they actually believed that the business was being operated as they trained their staff from the very beginning. 

I tell them that sometimes we need to make sure we become the customer to understand if one trained their staff correctly.

In business in this economy there are so many people you can bring in to assist you with strategies or knowledge but the problem then becomes if the person you bring to help or train actually has been there and trained people and understand the need of the client YOU!!.

Why a business coach:
There are so many reasons but I believe the most important ones are:

  1. Belieivng that you can make your business a great business.
  2. Understanding your competition.
  3. Understanding how your staff are treating your clients.
  4. Balance between life and business.
  5. Making sure there is a strategey for better customer service.