
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2013

"In Life And In Business You Must Be Awake to The Changes That Come Each Day And Realize That Change Is Inevitable" Santini Self Development Enterprises -Luciano The Key Santini

"In Life And In Business You Must Be Awake to The Changes That Come Each Day And Realize That Change Is Inevitable" Santini Self Development Enterprises -Luciano The Key Santini 

Good morning everyone and as always let us start with a little motivation and then on to business YAY!!

People are always giving you feedback that is genuine, although at times it might be hard for you to believe at times these people are not just praising you for their health, they really mean it! Have faith in yourself and understand that you're capable of amazing things. The worst mistake you can make at any point is to limit yourself. This applies to new relationships, career challenges and even business opportunities. Act on your ideas and climb out of your shell.You see many times we get all caught up in our daily routines and then we begin to be comfortable and then guess what happens!! We get stuck!! and remain there until someone screams real loud in our face and make us feel like well you fill in the rest of the sentence___________.

Ok now to business, I find that we as small business owners tend to think that we are the only ones that can operate our companies thus we tend to take care of the big picture or we seem to think that is what we do LOL yes I am laughing because the truth of the matter is that sometimes the employees we have can actually do a better job then we may be doing.

Here is where I can be of assistance to you the small business owner. Here is where I can assist you in finding that person within your company that perhaps you never thought about other then a simple employee who comes in daily and works for you. That one person may be be able to move your company up the ladder in the community.

Let us talk about the fears as business owner that we may fear and what happens when we find ourselves trying to overcome some of the fears that may become freezers for yourselves and for our businesses. When we find ourselves afraid of making a move we may sometimes end up sabotaging our business.

We may find ourselves do what we think is safe instead of what could have been the right thing to do. We may be known in the community and in the business world as being always predictable instead of taking calculated risks.You might join groups instead of starting one yourself. You may never take action but wait for someone to guide you and or get you started. When something or a new idea comes your way you may make excuses to take a dive into it and never take action.

You might tend to think in failures instead of progress which will hinder you and your business. The most important may be the following one: Blame others for any failures in our business and never take responsibility for your own actions OOOOPPPPSS that is a big one.

What about media? an interesting article I found by By on March 19, 2013 

In business, social media is becoming a lot like email. Every company has it. In an Altimeter Group survey of 700 executives and social strategists fielded in late 2012, we found that 100 percent of participating enterprise organizations run to varying extents an active social media strategy. But unlike email, organizations haven’t mastered how to effectively communicate through the likes of Facebook or the tweets of Twitter.

What are you doing to market your business or yourself if an individual trying to get noticed and recognized 
in the business world?
By on March 19, 2013 | 1 Comment

In business, social media is becoming a lot like email. Every company has it. In an Altimeter Group survey of 700 executives and social strategists fielded in late 2012, we found that 100 percent of participating enterprise organizations run to varying extents an active social media strategy. But unlike email, organizations haven’t mastered how to effectively communicate through the likes of Facebook or the tweets of Twitter.
Over the last several years, businesses have increased the pace of adopting social media strategies for use in marketing, service and other related capacities. What’s becoming very clear however is that adopting social media and understanding its impact on customer and employee relationships and also the bottom line are not always linked. 

This disconnect between social media strategies and business value is forcing many executives to rethink their overall approach and the infrastructure they built to support it. The result of this reflective process is motivating organizations to transform everyday social media initiatives into deeper social business strategies.

I can tell you as a business and executive coach that we need to stay on top of the technology that is constantly revealing itself daily and if we do not then we stay behind more and more until no one knows who we are.

A quote from my mentor: Napoleon Hill
 The keenest minds are the ones that have been whetted by practical experience.
Theoretical knowledge without practical experience might be compared to a large mass of undirected energy. Until it is focused, it is difficult to direct the energy to a useful end. Practical experience is the lens through which the energy of knowledge may be focused and directed toward activities that will provide the greatest benefit.

 When you learn new concepts or have an idea that has not yet been tested, make it a practice to think through its application carefully before implementation. When you have considered the possibilities, and it still seems to be a good idea — get into action. The only way to get practical experience is to get to work executing your idea.

Monday, April 1, 2013

SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS What A Word-Santini Self-Development Enterprises-Luciano The Key Santini

Here is something a form a friend of mine who does some great writing and also a great coach all around;
And, since today is April 1, April Fools’ Day, in America, I
thought I’d offer a break from the seriousness of this Power
Word Series and offer something like

This word is a made up word from the 1960′s children’s
this way: “a nonsense word meaning fantastic.”
I challenge each of you leaders to use
emotional state of those you work with and bring a smile to
their face! (and then come back here and leave a comment to
let me know how it went!)

’til next time, make sure this week is
Best Regards,

Weisman Success Resources, Inc.


On Management and Communication
I believe that most managers fight their on insecurities with themselves and thus do a crappy job with their peers and staff members why is that? The simple fact that when this happens the staff members pay the price! They the managers are never available to their staff but instead hide behind their position 
 (Anyone ever deal with that type of manager??) 

If you have please leave me some comments and examples would love to use them. The or most should remember that efficient communication is extremely important in any organization!!.

 What is passion? I ask my clients this one question all the time. What I get for answers are not what I was hoping but it is a start.

Passion is a quality that you must have or fine within yourself. This is what will make you reach your goals in life. This is what bring life into our dull lives at times when we are feeling down and depressed. This is what brings us to a point of no return!! This is what will make us smile and bring joy to all those around us so if you do not know what your passion is then sit relax grab yourself a cup of strong coffee or mellow tea and figure it it out.

Sometimes we know what we do wrong but either afraid to admitted to anyone and never to ourselves and you see my friends that is where the major issue lies within ourselves. We know that life is not always fair and not always do we get what we want and our expectations usually never come out as expected why is that?

Well for starters that is life and life my friend is a roller coaster. Yes it is. Sometimes we need to sit back and realize that our lives are not perfect and never will be, however we can really try to make things and situations as easy as possible for ourselves and stop believing that will be perfect because if we do move in our lives daily weekly yearly or whatever we are in for a big disappointment.

We have to take a look at who we are and who we want to become and start being practical and so much idealistic because this will  make our life pretty difficult. Sometimes we want to have the best job and though you know your ideas work better then what they may be offering to you as an employee you may want to stop pushing against their ideas and work harder to prove that your are better just need to be patient.

This is a way to create a better perspective about where you are and where you may be headed. Be positive and Bremen that each day you have the choice to have a great day or a bad day my friends it is your choice your choice because you always have a choice always!!!

Here is something I found on the Internet which seems interesting:
By  Tricia L. Nadolny

Two former state employees have claimed in a lawsuit they were bullied by a supervisor after reporting that she regularly took paid two-hour lunch breaks. Sandra Miner of Pittsfield and Carla Haase of Concord say they complained about the abuse to officials at the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, but nothing was done.

The harassment – which they describe as being carried out by their supervisor Lisa Derepentigny as well as a “clique” in the office – was so intense that both women suffered severe emotional distress and took early retirement, they claim in a lawsuit filed at Merrimack County Superior Court.
A department spokeswoman and Derepentigny both declined to comment. The lawyer handling the suit at the attorney general’s office did not return a message left yesterday. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Sometimes To Care About Someone Is Not An Easy Task To Tell Them The Truth Is Even More Difficult Be In Business Or A Relationship"-Luciano The Key Santini --Santini Self-Development Enterprises

"Sometimes To Care About Someone Is Not An Easy Task To Tell Them The Truth Is Even More Difficult Be In Business Or A Relationship"-Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends around the world. How are we doing today YAY!! it is Friday. Have you ever had to use a scare tactic to help a friends to see where their lives are going?

I believe that sometimes scare tactics are the best way to help people avoid failure and regret. 
I believe that if you are a friend who really cares about another person you should do if possible get them to see their lives from a different perspective. People will tell you that they are your friends but when your best interest  is not looked out for then you should ask yourself the questions is this person really a friend or a user.

Depending on this person you should either walk away from them and never look back or cherish their friendship.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Learning to manage correctly --Santini-Self Development Enterprises--Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning everyone and I have to talk about bosses and what they do when they cannot face problematic employees and instead they hide behind their positions and let the employee run wild causing chaos and they turn the other way and pretend it does not happen and ignore the real issue which is their own fears on facing conflict.

Companies that let poor performance continue will upset the entire office or company. This type of behavior will push good employees away and will eventually stop doing a great job and will hurt clients.Top employees will leave or ask to be moved to another department to work under another supervisor that can actually do their job.

The solution:  You set a time to meed with the individual and bring up the issue which can be poor performance or whatever the issue might be. As a boss you must approach them with  a calm attitude and a smile. The boss must bring a solution and stick with it and not change it during the conversation. One or two thing will happen they will improve or move on to better things and leave the company..

Most managers instead hide behind their position's because they have no idea what they are doing or how to do it. They will also use others to get ahead and climb the corporate ladder making false promises to the people that can probably do a better job in the position they hold.

Leave me your comments if you have ever experienced this type of issue.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Good morning to all my friends. How are we doing this wonderful Thursday morning. I went outside and WOW it was freezing. OK it was a bit cold and not freezing. Now lets talk a bit about your old habits:
Sure, your old habits are nice and comfortable, but they are old  you need to make some changes and perhaps make that changes quick before they settle into your blood system and you are stuck.

Today you should make a small change in your routine and see what happens. make a small turn on your way top work that you would normally not do. Go to a different store for your groceries that normally you would not go to. In other words my friends make the changes that are needed to make a new habit-just do it today try it go for it and stop procrastinating. 

Criticism I dislike that word why? Simple really because people are quick to make judgements on others and never take a look within themselves because if they did WOO-HOO would they make some great and awesome discoveries about the type of people they really are and then they would read the top section of this blog and make some changes. I KNOW YOU AGREE AND IF YOU DO NOT AGREE LET ME KNOW WHY YOU DO AND  OR WHY YOU DO NOT VIA FACE BOOK OR LINKED IN. Have a wonderful day to all my readers and friends around the world.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents Day and Me -Luciano The Key Santini

 A little video We put together a little while back. Jay Lopez does such good work with video.

What about Monday well today is going to be one of those days where all I do is hang out with my sons and perhaps make myself some great coffee which I' m mixing  as I write. The beans are roasting and the smell in the house is incredible MMMMMM. You see I figured that buying my own beans and roasting them myself and then grinding them and brewing would be a job but it is worth it believe me my friends it is worth it.

I love this drawing of me by a person who did it while I was doing a motivational speech. I was touched by it.
Sometimes one has to see what one looks through the eyes of others to find out who you are as a person.

It is Monday and it is President's Day. What does that mean and why do we celebrate it? Is that not a good question of course it is. Let us look at this:
 Who Knew?

Presidents' Day - What Does it Mean?

From , former Guide

To some, the observance of Presidents' Day in the United States goes very much unnoticed. Local newspapers splash ads of “President’s Day Sales!” and many get the day off from work. But have you ever stopped to think about this important day of recognition?


Presidents' Day is intended (for some) to honor all the American presidents, but most significantly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. According to the Gregorian or "New Style" calendar that is most commonly used today, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. But according to the Julian or "Old Style" calendar that was used in England until 1752, his birth date was February 11th. Back in the 1790s, Americans were split - some celebrated his birthday on February 11th and some on February 22nd.
When Abraham Lincoln became president and helped reshape our country, it was believed he, too, should have a special day of recognition.

 Tricky thing was that Lincoln’s birthday fell on February 12th. Prior to 1968, having two presidential birthdays so close together didn't seem to bother anyone. February 22nd was observed as a federal public holiday to honor the birthday of George Washington and February 12th was observed as a public holiday to honor Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.

In 1968, things changed when the 90th Congress was determined to create a uniform system of federal Monday holidays. They voted to shift three existing holidays (including Washington's Birthday) to Mondays. The law took effect in 1971, and as a result, Washington's Birthday holiday was changed to the third Monday in February. 

But not all Americans were happy with the new law. There was some concern that Washington's identity would be lost since the third Monday in February would never fall on his actual birthday. There was also an attempt to rename the public holiday "Presidents' Day", but the idea didn't go anywhere since some believed not all presidents deserved a special recognition.

Even though Congress had created a uniform federal holiday law, there was not a uniform holiday title agreement among the individual states. Some states, like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas chose not to retain the federal holiday title and renamed their state holiday "President's Day." From that point forward, the term “Presidents' Day” became a marketing phenomenon, as advertisers sought to capitalize on the opportunity for three-day or week-long sales.

In 1999, bills were introduced in both the U.S. House (HR-1363) and Senate (S-978) to specify that the legal public holiday once referred to as Washington's Birthday be "officially" called by that name once again. Both bills died in committees.

Today, President’s Day is well accepted and celebrated. Some communities still observe the original holidays of Washington and Lincoln, and many parks actually stage reenactments and pageants in their honor. The National Park Service also features a number of historic sites and memorials to honor the lives of these two presidents, as well as other important leaders.