Good morning to all who read my blog and take the time to send me feedback which is very important to me because I get to see what my audience needs and wants to read about. Thank you for giving me the many opportunities to write for you.
Let us talk about something that is so important to use but many business owners do not utilize correctly in both private and nonprofit organizations. the SWOT analysis. So what is a SWOT huh? I get that so many times. people have heard of and perhaps knows what it is which is awesome but do they know how to use it and then how to implement what they discover!! like the gaps in their business!
Let us define it first:
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis) is a framework for identifying and analyzing the internal and external factors that can have an impact on the viability of a project, product, place or person.
The really funny part of this along with so many other tools that can be used to assist small and large businesses figure our or discover for the first time their inefficiencies within their company or themselves is that when they do discover their issues they have no idea how to fix them.
As you know when we have issues or problems that we know we need to fix but we do not know how to take care of them we seek out help!! However most so called leaders or business owners or individuals are ashamed of their situation or simply do not seek help and thus FAIL!!!. They have no idea how to implement or my favorite word of all time EXECUTE!!!
So what does implement mean:
Implementation is defined as a specified set of activities designed
to put into practice an activity or program of known dimensions.
According to this definition, implementation processes are purposeful
and are described in sufficient detail
such that independent observers can detect the presence and strength of
the "specific set of activities" related to implementation. In
addition, the activity or program being implemented is described in
sufficient detail so that independent observers can detect its presence and strength.
It is common to read about "implementation" of a program or practice
as if it were an accomplished fact when the context of the statement
makes it clear that some process (more or less clearly described) had
been put in place to attempt the implementation of that program
or practice. When faced with the realities of human services,
implementation outcomes should not be assumed any more than intervention
outcomes are assumed.
When thinking about implementation the observer must be aware of two sets of
activities (intervention-level activity and implementation-level
activity) and two sets of outcomes (intervention outcomes and
implementation outcomes).
I have gone to so many meetings and seminars where it is supposed to be a leadership role to be able to manage implementation and execution,however through out the entire seminar they never mention ways to execute but only speak of the issues which I find hilarious that no one questions what they should be learning but go along with what the speakers are saying but none have to do with execution of a process.
On another note my friends today I have the honor and the privilege to watch two of my sons have their baseball games. The little one is in the playoffs and the other fighting to get back in first place they should both be great and exciting.
If you are really great, you will let others discover this fact from your actions.
In the final analysis, all that really matters are your actions. You may talk a good story, but no matter how good you are at selling others on your capabilities, eventually you have to perform. It is true that people are generally forgiving and will overlook an occasional failure to deliver upon your promises. Ultimately, though, you must live up to your promises to others if you ever expect to make a lasting impression on them.
Make it a
habit to demonstrate your abilities before talking about them. Seldom
is anything worthwhile achieved without the help of others, and nothing
is ever achieved without some form of action. The road to failure and
despair is littered with the dreams of those who failed to act upon
You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing. Reading blogs is my hobby and I randomly found your blog. I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey. Please keep in touch with me in Twitter, @ipersuade.