
Sunday, February 24, 2013

"To Move Ahead In A Company Work Hard, Respect

"To Move Ahead In A Company Work Hard, Respect
 Others And Share your Knowledge"--Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends and how are we doing this wonderful Sunday morning. As for me well I believe I am going to sit outside and watch the sunrise today. I believe this is one the gifts of the universe that you must do once in a while and enjoy. Every time that I do this it reminds me of my place in the world. 

What do I mean by that well let me explain: You see once you realize that you are a part of the universe and that the world indeed does revolve around you get a better hold of who you are and what you want and where you want to be.

 It took me a few times of doing this to realize that I could have anything that my heart desires. Yes of course it takes times and meeting the right people but what it really takes is simple really because all you have to do is ask specific questions to the universe and the answers will come and perhaps if you ask correctly what you want will also show up. Watching the sunrise is an incredible sight.

 In Business well all I can say today is the following article I found from Napoleon Hill which really states such an important aspect of life:

Cooperation must start at the head of a department if it is expected at the other end. The same is true for efficiency.
In most large organizations, the amount of time and energy that is squandered in interdepartmental rivalry is enormous. Managers who compete with others inside the company waste valuable resources that should be directed at fulfilling the company’s mission to serve its customers better.

 Worse, a negative, internal focus can cause the company to miss opportunities, the full effect of which may not be realized for months or even years. Whether you are the head of the department or the newest worker on the staff, you can help your company immeasurably by refusing to become embroiled in internal strife. Compete with yourself to do the best job you can do instead of competing with others. 

I really do agree with the above statements because it so true, but what I find is that people in general are always competing which is OK to do in a contest but when people are doing out of spite or because they believe that they will get ahead by stepping on people is the wrong way to get ahead.

 I always tell individuals that if they want to move ahead of the crowed you must start by doing your job the best that you can and give it all you can and learn from someone as well as teach what you know and share your knowledge as well as helping others and the promotions will come.

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