
Saturday, August 17, 2013

What It Means To Have A Business Or A Life Coach--Santini-Self Developmemnt Enterprises

Good morning my friends and how are we doing this beautiful Saturday morning. It has been a great week. Today I would like to talk about business coaching and what it means to me and what it can mean to you as a business owner.

The key elements of a coach; As you know in sports almost every team has a coach and sometimes every athlete has a private coach. Well what about you the business owner.

Clarity--Are you as the business owner have a clear vision of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish in your business. What about your staff? Are they in the right mindset on your vision and do they have the clarity to help you get there and accomplish your dreams.

"Nothing Will Ever Happen Until You Take The First Step"--Luciano (The Key) Santini

Strategy--Do you have the right strategy in place and yes this where I would ask the questions and see where you are and where you are going.This is a very important question for you as the business owner to understand and have an answer for me and if you do not have one then we will work out the answer together.

Go and check out this video:

The mindset-- Does your staff have the right mindset This is and will be the hardest questions because this where you as the individual will understand not only where your business is headed but will give you an idea of who you are as the business owner..

For a business coach to be effective, goals and questions have to be defined as early as possible. This will help business owners in achieving these objectives.

 To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend the services of the Santini- Self Development Enterprises. I have been using Santini-Self Development Enterprises, and have always been completely satisfied. They do an excellent job, are always punctual, and offer the most competitive rates in their industry of motivational speaking,life coaching and business coaching specializing in management and leadership training. 

We have also hired them on occasion for extra jobs, motivating our employees and helping them with techniques to change their lives for a better future. They have always done exactly what we've asked of them and always successful in changing the minds of individuals on how they look at life and ways to change from inside out. 

I'm happy to recommend the services of Santini-Self Development Enterprises (Luciano Santini) for their expertise in business coaching and staff training. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Sam Roman                                                                                                         

Saturday, August 10, 2013

It Takes Courage And Self Awareness To Be A Great Leader-Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Good morning everyone and how are we doing this beautiful morning. This past week was something that well made me realize why people are people and why they act and react to certain situations. 

You see sometimes change has to take place in life in your personal life or in your business change just has to take place in order for your life or your business or even an entire organization to survive.

Does your organization respond to change well or do they resist to creating a competitive environment, and workforce? 

 This is a question that really needs to be looked into in a different perspective then a normal look. I know that in the private industry is so much different then in the non-profit world. I find that management is different as well. In the non-profit you have to deal with the people that think they are untouchable due to the bureaucracy that come with a government job.

What about the leadership capacity? Does your organization have what it takes to move forward into the future?

This is another section organizations in both private and non-profit need to think about. I believe that sometimes there comes a time when someone will need to open their mouth and say HEY!!!! stop and take a look at our leaders they are no leaders they only tell people what to do and manage from their position status and not as true leaders.

Bottom line is that the bottom line is affected first and then the staff members and ultimately the doors close. What do you need to make the changes well you need to find someone that thinks outside the box outside the norm someone who knows change and has the know -how to implement the changes that need to take place.

You must remember the first thing about human nature: 

People automatically have resistance built in not to change. You as a manager or a leader must have the skills to change their perspective on  resistance before they can have an understanding of the need to adapt to new changes

Don’t ever admit that the world has not given you an opportunity.
Opportunities are never just handed to you; they must be created. Opportunities abound for every individual in every walk of life. They may not be the opportunities that you prefer, but each opportunity of which you take advantage leads to bigger and better opportunities. 

 Physical and mental handicaps may mean that you have to explore territories unknown to others, but they also mean you have opportunities those others will never find. Think of Stephen Hawking’s brilliant research on the nature of the universe despite the fact that a crippling disease makes writing and speaking, as we know it, impossible for him. Those who approach their jobs and careers with enthusiasm always find plenty of opportunities, while those who complain about no one ever giving them a chance are merely observers of life. 

When you are determined that you will not allow others to determine your future for you, when you refuse to allow temporary setbacks to defeat you, you are destined for great success. The opportunities will always be there for you. If there are adversities that you cannot overcome right now, remember to capitalize upon them at a later date by looking for the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

You know by now how important it is to offer service freely to your community without expecting anything specific in return. You know as well how important the intangible personal benefits of self-respect and inspiration that accompany such action are. But it is also true that by rendering a public service you have an effect on the values in your community.

Remember it takes someone who has the knowledge on what courage means and what fear means and the meaning behind it, but being a leader you have to face it in spite of the confusion that comes with any situation.