
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Understanding Knowledge Management-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day so far. I was doing a one one coaching Friday night at a local restaurant and I asked  what the issues were that was causing the owner to prepare to perhaps let the current manager go and hire another one. The owner simply stated that his current manager was not cutting the mustard. I then asked another probing questions. I asked who trained him? The answer was (I did).

I looked at him and stated that perhaps that was the issue and believe me it was something he did not want to hear. The owner became somewhat defensive but I was prepared for that already. I explained to him to define management to me from his perspective and he did, however it was the wrong definition. I explained that management is doing everything yourself but allowing other to assist you. He stared at me with a (What the hell are you talking about look?

I stared back at him with a allow me to explain to you look. I explained to him that I understood the dilemma he found himself in, but that the fault was not because of the manager trying to run his business but the real issue was the person who trained them. I explained to him that because he was the owner does not mean he knows the business. Eventually  he understood what I had been trying to teach him. I explained to him that managing is not doing everything on their own because when this happens one becomes overwhelmed and no longer focused on the business thus causing some serious issues within.

Managing is understanding yourself as a person first before you can understand others and that is where most so called managers will fail. I find that sometimes people get management and leadership confused and try to separate them form each to the or try to be one or the other. There was time when managers would simply tell people what to do and give out tasks or assignments and that was that, however in today's world it is different.

Once again like I stated above in today's world, where value comes increasingly from the knowledge of people, and where workers are no longer undifferentiated cogs in an industry, management and leadership are not easily separated.

 One of my all time mentors and yes mentors can be people you read about and follow their genius and Mr. Drucker one of the best of the best on this subject stated;

With the rise of the knowledge worker, “one does not ‘manage’ people,” Mr. Drucker wrote. “The task is to lead people. And the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of every individual.”

I have an example for you to think about. Let us say you hire someone who interviewed so well that he/she blew your mind out of the park and left you with a WOW!! So you give him/her the position. The first day that they take over they walk that walk and talk about all the procedures and policies so much to the staff that staff become so impressed by him/her. 

Staff starts coming to him/her with issues and she/him explains the policies and procedures as he/she did six months ago but yet staff is failing on tasks and communications are awful and staff morale is low why? What is happening?

I see this all the time in organizations now here is what I have been able to accomplish with people no matter who they are or how experienced they are not. You see my friends we can wear a  $100.00 shirt with a bow and arrow hitting the target and a pair of $ 200.00 archer pants and use a $1000.00 bow that has writing and says "Champion" on it.

 The perception might seem like we are champion archers and so get picked on a team to lead and when the games begin we cannot hit the wall much less the target but by now it is to late to pick someone else  to lead the team and now you must do the best you can with what you have which becomes mediocre at best.


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