
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"True Beauty is From A Smile Given Freely Of The Soul To A Total Stranger"--Luciano San

Hello and good morning my friends and here we are on Hump Day!! yes that would be Wednesday but do not ask me why people call it hump day because I have no idea.

Today was a strange kind of a day because there were so many people that I had not seen for a long time who stopped by to say thank you to  me for touching their lives in one way or another. 

I was taken aback by it all in a very good way. I thought to myself this is why I do what i do because I know that whether people tell me right away or not I know that I am helping someone out there in this world and I have made a difference in their lives.
To my beautiful wife  of whom I love with all my heart.
"True Beauty is From A Smile Given Freely Of The Soul To A Total Stranger"--Luciano Santini

I found that life is graciously giving me back and all this time though I knew that could happen today I actually experienced it. 
It was awesome!!

I found that the holidays is a time to give without expecting anything in return just give! I find that when one gives and not expect anything back you feel better about who you are and who you will become.

 As a business coach I will help you the owner focus your staff on your vision and marketing and people skills.

As a Life Coach I focus on helping you reach your individual potential by teaching you techniques to find yourself.